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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Albus Turns One!: Mini Dog Birthday Cake

Today Albus turned ONE.

Albus/Albudonks/Albulumps/Lumpy/Limpy/Broccoli - just some of his adorable nicknames. The only time we use his actual name 'Albus' is at the vet, or when introducing him to people.

He can never be alone - always sticking (literally) to at least one person in the household

Multilingual - can understand English, Hokkien and Malay (thanks to my domestic helper). Yell 'KUCING!' and he will jump up and bolt around the house looking for his prey

Barks at you whenever you speak ill of him

Physically small but huge personality - always tries to challenge other big dogs and talks back to us when we scold him (this one's a rebel)

Barks at everything foreign - hates the hula hoop with a vengeance

My reason for waking up in the morning and coming home early

Is actually in Slytherin house (I took a Buzzfeed quiz once) 

Is super friendly to everyone but especially loves to terrorise hoomans who particularly fear dogs

Begs to be taken on car rides but then whimpers throughout the whole journey

Barks at every potential intruder (strangers, guests, repairmen...) in attempts to protect the house (?), not knowing how tiny he really is

Again, I don't think he realises how small he really is. He is probably a Rottweiler in his own mind

Best thing that has happened to our family

So what better way to celebrate this little ball of fur than to throw him a mini-party? Dogs deserve parties and cake and balloons and party hats too!

Likes: Carrots, apples, pears, DURIAN (loves), bananas, fruits in general, FOOD in general, belly rubs, walks (gai-gai), all humans, carpets, tennis balls, bean bags, car rides

Dislikes: The damn hula hoop, balloons, wearing clothes, loud noises, golf, lemon, heights, car rides

This cake was super easy to make.

1 finely diced apple
6 tbsp of peanut butter
2 eggs
2 tsp of baking powder

Throw it in the oven for 30 mins at 175°C and voila!

Lumpy, we love you more than you will ever know. Thank you for loving us unconditionally (whether we have treats in our hand or not). You'll probably never know the joy you bring into this family, but we hope we can make this a happy home for you, and that you'll be a happy dog for all the days of your life! Cuddles. 
11/15/2016 / by / 0 Comments

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